7 Reasons to Consider Dental Implants

“Say cheese!” Grinning for a group photo should be as effortless as brushing your teeth. But for anyone with missing or damaged teeth, the simple act of smiling can be an anxiety-inducing affair. Fortunately, there’s a straightforward solution to restoring your radiant smile: Dental implants.   

As the most natural looking restoration option, dental implants are titanium roots that are implanted into your jawbone beneath your gums. They are made to mimic your natural teeth and provide a solid foundation for a crown - a tooth-shaped porcelain cap - to be placed on the implant. There are a variety of benefits that come with getting dental implants, starting with boosting your confidence. Below, we break down seven reasons you should consider dental implants, so that next time you’re in front of a camera, you can smile with pride.  

Replace missing teeth

If you’ve recently lost or damaged a tooth, you might be having difficulty chewing or feeling self-conscious when you laugh. If left untreated, a missing tooth can increase the risk of additional stain spreading to your surrounding teeth, which can lead to chips and fractures. A dental implant is an excellent option for replacing your missing teeth while minimising the potential for further damage.  

Preserve neighbouring teeth

As dental implants retain bone density and integrity, they protect themselves without leaning on surrounding teeth for support. In doing so, they preserve the health of the neighbouring teeth and prevent them from becoming loose.  

More comfortable than dentures

Dentures, removable plates or frames that hold one or more artificial teeth together, can have an unattractive appearance, feel bulky in your mouth and become loose while eating. For a smoother, more comfortable experience, implants don’t need to be removed for cleaning or eating, as they’re rooted in your jaw bone. Sounds like a win-win to us!

Natural appearance

Implants are designed to imitate and blend in with your existing teeth. Once the cap is installed, the artificial tooth will look and feel just as real as your natural teeth to restore your beautiful grin. 

Easy to maintain

Through regular dental hygiene, dental implants are just as easy to maintain as your regular teeth. Continue your standard routine - brushing, flossing and  even gargling mouthwash - as if your artificial teeth are au naturel. Unlike dentures which require removal at night, you don’t need to remove implants for cleaning.

Safe surgery and quick recovery

Once you’ve decided on getting dental implants, the surgical process is safe and straightforward with a recovery time so fast you can even drive yourself home after the procedure. First, your dentist will perform a dental examination which includes photographs, a dental cast of your teeth, and 3D scan of your jaw.

Dental implants last a lifetime

If you’re searching for a long-term solution, look no further; if properly positioned, an implant can last a lifetime! Dentures, on the other hand, need regular fit adjustments as bone levels decline, while dental bridges - which cover a blank gap with two fake teeth - can last on average ten years. For longevity and durability, dental implants are the go-to for your gums.

Contact Albion Dental Care Today!

Dental implants are a fantastic option to replace missing or damaged teeth for an abundance of reasons. If you’re ready to feel confident in your smile, learn more about dental implants and call 07 3262 4036 to book an appointment with Albion Dental today. 

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